Cold-patch Epoxy Asphalt: Perfecting The Road Repairing
BTA “Cold-patching Epoxy Asphalt” is a new type of road pavement and repairing material. It has been developed and patented by Bond Materials Co., Ltd. It is cold-mixed, cold-apply material produced and stored at normal temperature. It does not need to be heated for use. The curing agent is directly mixed, paved and compacted. It can be closely bonded to the original road or bridge to form a high-strength, high-toughness, high-low temperature resistant surface. After a short period of curing it can be opened to traffic. It can significantly increase the construction speed and reduce the engineering cost. Most importantly, the entire construction process does not emit any chemical gas, which is environmentally friendly and safe.
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At present, many bridges in Guangzhou have continuous traffic and heavy load, and gradually begin to have different degrees of damage. The weather in Guangzhou is also changing. The typhoon and rain often strike, causing many road bridges to be damaged and closed. However, if the traditional hot-mixed asphalt mixture is used, not only the handling is troublesome, but also the material is heated, and the repaired road surface is maintained for a long time before being opened to the vehicle. The entire repairing process takes a long time, the cost is high, and a large amount of chemical gas is emitted during heating. Not only wastes repair materials, but also pollutes the environment, even affecting traffic safety and reducing road life. Therefore, project management personnel must conduct market research and must choose a new type of cold mix asphalt.
Main Features of BTA's Cold-Patching Epoxy Asphalts
Application Requirements
The cold-applied ambient temperature range is wide and can be applied between -30 and 50. The cold-retaining waterproof performance is excellent, and it can be applied in rain and snow and water.
Easy Consruction
The use of cold-filled materials, no need to stick to the oil when repairing, the preparation can be taken with it, no heavy construction machinery is needed, and impact compaction, manual compaction, etc. can be used according to different repair conditions of the road surface.
Excellent Repair Quality
The cold feed has strong anti-aging and cohesive functions, and the anti-cavity after repair is not easy to cause peeling, cracking and other undesirable phenomena, and does not need to be repaired.
Easy to Store
BTA's Cold-Patching finished products can be stored in the open air for two years at room temperature, and the sealed sealed products can be stored for a longer period of time.
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使用冷补材料施工。不受天气和坑槽大小、数量的限制、修补及时,可避免坑槽扩大,节省修补材料,且修补时无需加热和搅拌,可根据实际用量随时取用,剩余材料可在下次修补中继续使用,不会造成材料浪费,真正的 100%利用。
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把足够的冷补材料添进坑槽,直到高出地面1.5cm 左右,高速公路和一般公路修补,其冷补料的投人量可增加10%左右。填满后坑槽中央应高于四周路面并呈弧形。如路面破损深度在5cm 以上时,填补工作应以 4cm为一层,分层填补,逐层压实,铺设均匀后,根据实地修补环境、修补面积大小和深度,选择是当的压实工具和方法进行压实。如:人工夯实、震动板夯实、 压路机压实等方式。压实完成后可在表面均匀的撒上一层石粉或细砂,使用清扫工具来回清扫,以使细砂填满表面空隙。修补玩的坑槽表面应光洁、平整、无轮迹, 坑槽四周和边角一定要压实、无松散等现象,普通修补压实度要达到93%以上。高速公路修补压实度要达到95%以上。